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CNG-10B : Glues for Aritificial Nail Extension
  • Art Name : 10g Brush on Glue
  • Art No : CNG-10B(S), 10B(R)
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*Glues for Aritificial Nail Extension : (Brush on Glue)
- CNG-10(S) : Brush On Cyano Nail Glue, 10g & Gel type
- with Brush
- with Viscosity, 250~300 (Gel type)
- Slow, but long-lasting adhesion
- CNG-10(R) : Brush On Cyano Nail Glue, 10g & Liquid type
- with Brush
- with Viscosity, 200(Liquid type)
- Faster, but not longer adhesion than CNG-10B(S)

  • *Rounded logo label on the bottle body will be available.
    *Packing (bulk): 1pc in a zipper bag & 50pcs in a big zipper bag,
    150pcs/inner box
    1,200pcs/ctn box(530*475*350, 0.0881cbm, 24kgs)

    *Packing (in a header polybag): 1pc in a Header Polybag with Buyer's design
    10pcs/opp bag, 300pcs/Inner box,
    600pcs/ctn box(450*250*500, 0.056cbm)
    *Delivery: 35days, *MOQ: 3,000pcs